It’s finally here: the finale to Erin’s facelift journey. If you’ve been following along, you’ve already read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, and today – we are going to do a full review of how she feels about her facelift today – almost 3 months after.
And, of course, we have side-by-side before and after pictures of the results!
I’d like to mention – for any newcomers – that Erin pursued her facelift and completed all of her surgeries prior to the stay at home orders in our area. We are not trying to be insensitive to what people are going through at all, but also, I think we can all use a nice distraction from the news – am I right?
Facelift Follow-Up Q&A:
I sent Erin some questions to see how she was feeling about the change in her appearance and the whole experience of her facelift. Some before and afters with pictures taken before surgery and taken about 12 weeks post-facelift are also included!
Here are her answers:
Q: Did the facelift accomplish what you wanted?
A: Yes, it did. I wanted to feel better about myself when I looked into a mirror.
Q: Are you happy with the results?
A: I definitely am. Now when I see my reflection, I don’t immediately hear in my head, “You look so old and wrinkled.” I like what I see.
Q: Are you glad you did it?
A: Cosmetic surgery isn’t for everyone, it’s a very personal decision. This proved to be a good choice for me. There is no part of me that wishes I could return to the way I looked prior to my facelift.
Q: In retrospect, what was the worst part?
A: The worst part of the facelift was how out-of-it I was from the anesthesia. I didn’t realize how incapacitated I would be immediately following the surgery. I was useless afterwards and I didn’t expect that. I’m glad my friend, Andi, was with me. I also didn’t like vomiting due to the anesthesia, but I knew that might happen as I’d gotten sick after a previous gallbladder surgery.
Q: How do you feel about your appearance now, post surgery?
A: I feel that as time goes on, my face relaxes and I have a very natural look. I had one neighbor that didn’t realize I had a facelift––that’s a good thing. I didn’t want my looks to shock people or have them think they were witnessing an episode of Botched.
Q: How has getting a facelift affected you?
A: I do feel more confident and feel at peace with my looks. The side benefit from getting my facelift was doing this series with you, and connecting with people who have appreciated the information shared.
Q: How has getting a facelift affected your relationships in your life or interactions with people?
A: Well due to the Coronavirus and sheltering in place, very few people have actually seen me. The pictures revealed today will be the first time some friends and family have seen the results.
Throughout the series, some people have told me that I looked fine and I didn’t need the surgery. Cosmetic surgery is a personal choice. I never dreamed I would go under a knife and get a facelift. I believed I would age gracefully like so many others, but I changed my mind. I knew I had options about how I looked and felt.
Q: What are your top tips for someone contemplating cosmetic surgery?
A: The most important thing is to do your research and get the best surgeon you can find. One who has many years of experience and all the right credentials. Also ask them about their policy if you are unhappy with any of the results. Will they correct any imperfections from surgery?
It’s my opinion that the first 24 hours after surgery are very important. Make sure you have someone to care for you for at least the first two days, and that you keep your head in the correct position, especially on the drive home and once you get home.
Follow all of the doctor’s guidelines that come in your information packet, and purchase the products they say will help you during your recovery period. You’ll want them within easy reach.
Facelift Before and After: Two-Year Update
Two years after her surgery, I checked in with Erin to see how she was feeling. I wrote all about what she shared with me, including pictures, in this post here.
I want to thank Erin for trusting me with her story and wanting to share it on this platform!
As women, we are battling all sorts of contradictory societal messages, especially regarding aging. So many of us are curious about cosmetic or plastic surgery, consider it, may even go through with some of it, but there is still this hush hush feeling of not talking about it.
I even knew one person who had pretty considerable work done (good for her), but if you mentioned how refreshed and youthful she looked, she would say, “I’ve been meditating and drinking a lot of water.”
I mean – to each their own – but I do think we can empower each other as women by being more transparent with our own stories. That’s a big reason why I am so open about my own autoimmune disease journey here on the blog and with people I meet in person.
I hope you found something valuable in reading Erin’s story. If nothing else, I hope you walk away with the permission to be honest about how you feel about yourself and feel empowered to do what works for you so that you can feel confident – whatever that journey looks like to you.
If you’d like to learn more about Erin, Erin G. Burrell is an author and a Tarot card reader. Her book, That’s Why You’re Here, is available on iTunes, Audible, and Amazon. You can connect with Erin through her website or email.
Have a fabulous day,
I just had my consult for a neck lift, mid-face lift, endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower eyes, tip rhinoplasty, fat transfer, and platelet gel under the skin. He said it was a 10 hour surgery. That concerns me. He said they use protocol, and Halothane gas, and a lot of numbing to my face. He is a facial plastic surgeon with over 20 years experience
I would be nervous, too! Definitely take Erin’s advice to talk to several doctors and choose the one that you feel most confident with! Good luck!