10 Roll & Color Sight Word Worksheets To Make Sight Words Fun!

sight word worksheets

I’ve learned a lot about sight words this school year. Suddenly homeschooling my kindergartener and now 1st grader, I’ve realized how important sight words are to learning to read and write with ease.

After trying quite a few sight words games and worksheets, I stumbled on this pack of sight word worksheets that used a roll and color approach. Waddya know – my kiddo loved it. Suddenly, we were having a ball rolling and coloring sight words instead of enduring the “sight word struggle” – as I began to affectionately call it.

You know, it’s hard to tell what is going to click and make something go from “ugh” to “awesome” and for us – it was roll and color sight word worksheets! Hurrah!

But, I quickly worked through all the ones I could find online. I wasn’t going to throw in the towel just yet. I’d developed far more complicated curricula during my years as an 8th grade teacher. So, I cracked my fingers and got to work, creating some super fun, silly roll and color sight word printables.

Then, I thought, why keep these to myself? We can’t be the only ones who love these. Let’s share the fun.

How To Use Roll & Color Sight Word Worksheets:sight word worksheets

If you’ve never used these before, they couldn’t be more simple to use. Just grab some dice, either from another game you already have, or buy a fun set of them like this. We actually use the dice from this math game, because they are extra big and great for little hands and come in fun colors. Whatever it takes to keep it interest, you know what I mean?

Then, you just roll the dice and start coloring the sight word that matches the number. We make it a game where we race each other to color them first. This adds a little extra pizzazz to the exercise, while also speeding it along – because I gotta keep this wagon train a-moving, you know what I mean?

sight word worksheets

That’s it. You just keep rolling and coloring. No big deal. You can either do all the sight words on one roll or they can color one per roll. Just depends on how much time you have and how you want to structure it.

10 Roll & Color Sight Word Printables:

sight word worksheets

After designing 10 of these, I decided to make them into a set that could be available to print at home as many times as you want.

I’m giving one of them away for free right here. All you have to do is click on the picture to download. If you’re interested in downloading all 10, just check out my super affordable listing.

Free Roll & Color Sight Word Worksheet:

sight word worksheet

What I love about these is that you can print them over and over again, unlike a book where once you use the page – it’s a done deal.

Between the 10 pages, they cover 60 high frequency sight words. Great practice and learning ahead!

sight word worksheets

Super fun patterns make these entertaining for kids, too. Each worksheet has a different image with the sight words:

sight word worksheets

Have you tried roll and color worksheets before? Such an easy way to make a worksheet into a game.

I’d love to know what you think. I’ll be making some more soon, since we’ve used all of these a couple of times and he’s ready for the next set.

Seriously, these work. He’s recognizing these words in his readers no problemo. Once you find what works, keep doing. I never argue with results.

If you’d like to see more of these roll and color sight word worksheets, they’re in the shop here.

More Educational Worksheets:

If you love this sort of thing, I have a few more fun sets of educational worksheets you are welcome to check out.

Thanks for reading!

Have a fabulous day,



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