When you have limited energy and a long list of people to take care – it makes sense that self-care is going to fall way down – or off – that list.
I’ve been there.
But, the problem with that is it becomes harder and harder to give from an empty cup.
I’ll never be the person that says you need to spend tons of time and money on yourself, because it’s just not my personality. I am always going to take care of the people around me, to my own detriment.
However, I have learned over time that it is necessary for me to be on the list of most important people and I have to be intentional about carving out a little self-care.
Self-Care As a Spoonie:
When you’re a spoonie – or someone with a chronic illness or autoimmune disease – an exhausting, expensive or lengthy self-care routine is just not an option.
I get it.
So, with most self-care lists full of suggestions most spoonies would shake their head at, I thought I would create one full of easy, potentially short, and mostly affordable ideas.
Pick one each day based on how you feel and where you’re at.
Self-care should be for you and what you need in that moment.
Let’s take a look at the options! Also, some links may be affiliate links – which means I’ll receive a small commission at no cost to you. I only recommend products I use, love and come from brands I trust.
Easy Self-Care Ideas:
- Open the blinds – When you wake up, open the blinds. Sunshine boosts vitamin D and the sight of a new day will uplift your spirits, even if you head back to bed.
- Do a face mask – Slather on an easy face mask and relax. I dare you to not smile while wearing this glittery pink mask – that will actually leave your skin soft like a baby.
- Use a massager – If you can’t find someone to give you a massage, try one of these. I love mine.
- Listen to the Ocean – My husband and I listen to this every night as we fall asleep.
- Turn off your phone – Social media, blue light from phones, and constant emails can be a huge energy drain. Turn it off so you won’t even know if you are getting any messages.
- Water plants – If you have plans, talk to them and water them. Some plants can detoxify the air and studies have shown that keeping a garden of plant can boost your mood.
- Read or listen to an audiobook – If you’re too tired to hold a book, play one on Audible.
- Sit and drink your coffee or tea to the end – How many of us intentionally sit and enjoy our entire cup of coffee or tea? Every once in awhile, sit there and enjoy it with no distractions.
- Do a gentle yoga – I love a short, gentle yoga flow to stretch and relax.
- Look at funny memes – There are so many good ones and they are easy to find.
- Color or paint – Use an adult coloring book or paint. Simple activities that are relaxing and mindful.
- Do an act of kindness – The thing about doing something for others is that it gives back to us. But, do an act of kindness for someone outside your normal circle. Write a letter to a friend going through a hard time or send a small gift to someone who just had a baby, etc.
- Go for a walk – The walk can be slow or fast, but pick an area where the scenery is to your liking and walk. Most great philosophers were known to be avid walkers.
- Write what you’re grateful for – A gratitude journal boasts many health benefits. Start one.
- Listen to music – Pick an old favorite or find something new. There are so many great playlists you can listen to now.
- Take a short nap – Sometimes, sleep is the best medicine. Even a 20-minute nap can restore energy and mood.
- Light your favorite candle – Candles are wonderful – just make sure it’s a non-toxic candle scented with essential oils. I love this one, especially since they donate a portion to fighting human trafficking.
- Tackle a short project – What’s been on your list for awhile? A favorite sweater lost a button? The junk drawer just too junky? Laundry piling up? Whatever has been weighing on you – dedicated some time to get it straightened up.
- Call a good friend – A great friend is good for the soul. Call and talk. Cry. Laugh. Repeat.
- Watch a funny show – Cue up your favorite or watch one that never gets old.
- Fix something annoying – Look for that thing that just annoys you and fix it. You’ll feel so much better.
- Meditate – Sit, relax, and focus on deep breathing. Or, try a free meditation apps.
- Dance – Or, get up and dance. Put on some music that makes you want to move and go for it.
- Make yourself a nice meal – Too often, I eat the same as my kids or their scraps, because it’s easy. Spend the time to fix yourself a delicious, healthy smoothie or lunch.
- Journal – Journal about your feelings, your day, your thoughts, your goals, your dreams, anything. Find prompts online if you don’t know where to start.
- Listen to a podcast – Podcasts are huge now! There are more choices than ever. Here’s a list of good ones to get you started.
- Cuddle – Cuddle with your favorite pet, your favorite person, or just your favorite blanket and pillow.
- Read a magazine – I love magazines. I was originally a magazine journalist major in college. Grabbing a new magazine and sitting to read it cover to cover is so restorative.
- Put on lotion – This may sound silly – but how often do you do this? I really love this lighter than air lotion that soaks in so quickly, leaving the faintest, but loveliest, smell behind.
- Groom your nails – A simple thing like using this natural cuticle oil by Barielle will leave your nails glowing and healthy and your mind renewed.
- Get your favorite coffee – Up for leaving the house? Go get your favorite coffee at your favorite coffee shop – even if it’s drive through #NoJudgement
- Watch a comedy routine – You will probably love Sebastian Maniscalco on Netflix.
- Order a subscription box – Sign up for a monthly subscription box . Enjoy slowly unboxing and trying all the products. My favorites are Allure Beauty Box, FabFitFun and Therabox.
- Try a new hairstyle – Pick a fun one you’ve been wanting to try. Messy bun? Braid? Easy updo? Go for it.
- Go to the movies – Who doesn’t love relaxing in a comfy movie theater recliner with a big bag of buttery popcorn? Take me with you!
- Visit a museum – online! – I mentioned this in my 25 date night ideas post, but it’s such a good one – I’m sharing it again.
- Do a puzzle – Pick a beautiful puzzle and work on it.
- Take a detox bath – Here’s all the tips on how to take a relaxing detox bath!
- Diffuse essential oils – I love diffusing oils, but forget all the time. Use this list from HelloGlow to inspire your next concoction. I love this diffuser.
- Remove social media – Is there someone online that is making you feel less than? Or, an account that stresses you out? Remove it. I recently deleted Facebook from my phone and I am so much happier.
- Do a pilates video – You can do a pilates routine in just ten minutes.
- Get a pedicure – I love a good pedicure. I found a place with non-toxic nail polish and the most relaxing environment. Find your favorite place and book it as often as you can.
- Smile – An old friend once said to me, “Smiles are not for you, they are for everyone else.” But, I disagree. I think they for you, too. Studies show that when we smile, we trick our brain into feeling happier. So, smile more, even if it’s just for you.
I bet you’re already feeling better! Or, at least I hope you are!
Self-care should be all about you – a few minutes (hopefully every day) where you can give to yourself, so you are energized to continue giving to all the people around you.
I’d love to know your own ideas for how you practice me time. Leave them in the comments below!
To our health,
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