It’s official. We have a skater in the house! It’s been over a year now that I’ve been a rink mom and I’ve learned so much over that time. It’s something we actually all enjoy doing together and there’s nothing quite like seeing your child find something they’re passionate about.
However, if you’ve ever dabbled in ice skating or hockey, you know how pricey it can be. This has really led me to find the best products for the best prices and you’d be surprised what you can find on Amazon for figure skating. For example, I found ice skating pants that are super affordable, but very warm and comfortable. They’ve become our go-to brand and I highly recommend them.
So, whether you have a recreational skater or you’re dabbling in group lessons or even competitions, I’m sharing the products we’ve found to be our favorites in case it might help you, too.
Best Figure Skating Accessories on Amazon:
1. Padded, no-slip skating gloves –
Falls happen, let’s protect those hands. I bought these after a girl came off the ice with a bloody palm from grabbing the skate in a move and slicing her hand open. Nope. No thanks. I ordered these thicker, more protective gloves and we’ve used them ever since.
2. Affordable Skating Pants –
These are the softest, thickest, nicest skating pants for the price. We have them in a bunch of colors and designs. They will even customize them for your kid for free. Our kiddo fits in one of their stock sizes perfectly, so we’re okay on that, but when that day comes where she doesn’t, we’ll take them up on their great custom service. And, you won’t believe the price.
3. Padded Ice Skating Pants with Skirt –
She did not want to wear padded pants because a lot of them are – let’s face it – ugly. So, when I found these, we had a compromise. The skirt really camouflages the padding, especially in black. They do come in three colors: black, blue, and pink. They are still soft, super warm, and well under $50. Amazing.
4. Tall, soft socks –
I know that they usually recommend a thin nylon type sock for skating, but we buy her skates a little bit big for growing room and so these nice, warm socks fit perfectly. For shows, she does skate with tights on. These socks hold up very well. They are super well made and the patterns are cute and fun.
5. Knee pads –
Falling hurts. It also can be demoralizing when it happens over and over. There’s also a big risk there for serious injury and we don’t mess around with the knees here. One of our relatives injured their knee as a kid and it has never been the same. These soft pink knee pads slide right over the outside of the skating pants and protect the knee area.
6. Rolling Zuca Ice Skating Bag –
I thought this was a frivolous purchase at first, when I saw all the other girls with these at the rink. But, after a few weeks of lugging that skating bag around on my shoulder, I started to have persistent shoulder pain. I am very impressed with the quality of this bag. It’s strong enough for her to sit on it when I put her skates on if there aren’t any available chairs and it’s perfect for competitions. Highly recommend.
7. Chloe Noel Sparkly Skating Tights –
We use these for competitions and they add just a little sparkle. They really catch the light a little on the ice and they’re nice and thick. I wash them after in a zipped lingerie washer bag and they have held up through three competitions, which helps rationalize the price. Various colors and designs available.
8. Our Favorite Skates –
For beginner and intermediate skaters, you want to secure that ankle and give them some nice padding, while also not spending too much money. Especially when they’re growing, it’s hard to rationalize really expensive skates. We started on a lower level skate than this and it was fine for awhile, but as soon as she started doing baby jumps and skating more, she began complaining that they hurt her feet. The memory foam in these ones feels amazing and they can be baked, which means heat molded to her feet, for a more custom feel. These ones are very nice, under $300 with blades, and I even got a pair for myself because we liked them so much. You can always get fitted at a local skate shop to ensure size, but if that’s not available to you, Amazon can be a great place to shop as well. Remember to always get blades professionally sharpened before use.
9. Skate Soakers & Guards –
It’s really important to dry your blades thoroughly when you get off the ice and then store then in the soakers (soft, padded blade covers). This will keep your blades rust-free and help them last a lot longer. It only takes a couple minutes and will really be worth it in the long run. Then, when you go back to the rink to skate again, take off the soakers, put on the guards, then put on your skates. Do not take your guards off until you are ready to go on the ice. This simple system is going to prolong the life span and the quality of your blades. This is a great set that offers everything you need to protect your blades.
Do you have any figure skating products you think should be on this list? I’ll share more posts on ice skating and what we’ve learned as we go, but thought this was a good time to share our favorite products.
If you have a young skater in the house, I’d love to learn from you. Share your best tips in the comments below!
Have a fabulous day,
Engaging and insightful! Thanks for the great read.
You’re welcome!