This is the year that I become a plant lady. Seriously, I mean it. Someone please tell my husband to stop laughing. The fact that I have never been very successful keeping plants alive just means that I only have room to grow! Plus, now that I have a little more time on my hands and need a new hobby that doesn’t require even more hours in front of the computer (my poor eyes…they hurt), I am ready to fully embrace my plant mom era.
Sure, this journey will have its ups, downs, and many hours spent begging the good people on Reddit forums to help me save my plants, but I’m fully committed to this new passion of mine and have already started my collection with the plant I’ve affectionately named Barbara.
1. Meet Barbara: The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
Isn’t she a beauty? Barbara came home from Costco recently. My husband saw a few fiddle leaf fig trees hanging out, with a whole bunch of people deciding whether or not to buy them. He’s heard me talk about wanting one long enough that he just walked right up and claimed one of them. As soon as I saw her, I fell in love.
So, why did I name her Barbara? Well, I was talking to her (it’s good for your plants!) and cleaning off her leaves after her long journey from wherever she came before Costco, and the name seemed to fit her essence.
You see, Barbara is an old soul. Some of her leaves look older, some even have a few brown spots, and others are worse for the wear with full on tears. Barbara definitely needs some tender loving care if I’m going to revive her back to full health. I’ve already been studying up on my fiddle leaf fig tree facts, tips, and tricks, as well as ordering some recommended products, so that I can help Barbara live her best plant life.
I’ve also put her in a place where she can get lots of sun and I make sure to water her when the soil is dry to the touch, but I don’t overwater her, because fiddle leaf fig trees don’t like to be wet. My good friends on Reddit said not to prune the leaves with holes just yet, so I’m going to wait until she’s successfully repotted – with plenty of drainage – before I clip anything.
If you’re curious, or you love a good fiddle leaf, follow along on this journey and come back for updates on how Barbara is doing. But, those crazy plant people weren’t kidding when they said this was addicting. I’ve barely welcomed Barbara into my home and I feel uplifted. Her beautiful green leaves make me feel like I’m closer to nature.
That’s why I’ve already made a list of the other indoor plants I’m going to welcome to the fold in 2024. Read along to find out what else is coming soon to my houseplant collection. I’ve given them all tentative names, but once I meet them, that could change. If you’re curious what I’ve picked up for Barbara’s care, here is what I’ve started with:
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Care & Plant Accessories:
- Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Food
- Soil Meter to test for soils wetness
- Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Soil
- Houseplant sciccors/pruning shears
- Leaf Armor Spray
- Smart Gravel/Drainage Rocks
- Midcentury Modern Plant Stand with drainage – love the detachable drainage dish
- Set of 2 Standing Planters – Smaller for other plants on this list with detachable drainage as well!
I’m linking to the one of the sites where I plan to buy some plants/plant supplies. These are affiliate links, which means at no cost to you, I may receive a commission if you also want to add to your plant collection. Let’s do this!
Ready to join the fiddle leaf fig tree club? Check out this gorgeous one here.
2. The Money Tree:
Not only am I a sucker for anything said to propagate good energy, but I also think the money tree just looks cool. It reminds me of plants and trees I have seen in Hawaii, even though the money tree is actually native to swamps in Central and South America. The tropical vibe though is what I love about this plant and I’m also drawn to how low maintenance the money tree supposedly is. I’m calling it “green thumb friendly”.
From what I’ve read, the greatest challenge in keeping a money tree healthy is making sure that it has access to at least 6 hours of bright to medium sunlight every day and gets watered every one to two weeks. That’s why I’ll be placing my future money tree right by the window near where I work. I figure this is a win win. The money tree will get lots of sun, I’ll remember to water it, and I’ll be able to soak in all the good luck and financial prosperity it’s supposed to bring my way.
Tentative name: Cash
Ready for your own money tree? Check out the one I’m eyeing in the gold pot here!
3. Monstera Delicioso:
It’s a good thing I love swiss cheese, because the Monstera has often been called the “swiss cheese plant” because of the holes in its leaves. I think it’s a fabulous looking plant and I need one in my life. The monstera does better with indirect light and temperatures of 65 to 85 degrees, which honestly just describes my own personal preferences to a T, so I think we’re going to get along famously. The Monstera will hopefully thrive in a lovely corner of my living room where indirect light is plentiful and my climate control system keeps the house a lovely 70 degrees almost year-round. It’s also supposedly a very hardy plant that is not too finicky, which works in my favor as a plant mama newbie.
I am a little concerned about the toxic nature of the plant, particularly to dogs, as I have one very curious pup. But, apparently it’s only mildly toxic and not lethal, which describes most of the former relationships in my life, so I think we’ll be okay.
Tentative name: Mindy or Miguel. I just have a feeling I’ll be talking to Miguel in a low, Antonio Banderas imitation voice.
Let’s grow a monstera together. This is the one I have on my list!
4. ZZ Plant:
I am absolutely in love with the look of the ZZ plant, particularly the black ones, and I am very excited to add one to my collection in the near future. My enthusiasm is multiplied by learning that the ZZ plant is drought tolerant (this bodes well for me). It’s leaves are also like little air purifier and can clear out toxins in the air such as xylene, toluene and benzene. Yes. I love that.
The care notes seem doable to me. ZZ needs to be light adjacent, but it’s not picky, and watering it every 2-3 weeks is supposedly enough. I’m not sure, it sounds too good to be true.
My only concern is that it’s not great for pets, so I plan to keep my ZZ up high enough where my pups can’t accidentally nibble a leaf, but it’s convenient for me to water it.
Tentative name: Ziggy or Zaza
Want to get ziggy with me? You’ll love this ZZ plant! Or, check out this BLACK one!
5. Jade Plant:
Another plant said to give off positive energy is the jade plant. Feng Shui dictates that the jade plant should never be sequestered in a bedroom or bathroom, but placed near the door of the home or in the southeast direction of your home in order to get the biggest benefits from your little green friend.
And, since the jade plant is another powerful air detoxifier, said to remove many VOCs, noxious and/or toxic compounds released by our carpets, walls, paints, and adhesives, I’m hoping to get mine before we repaint the interior of the our home. Although, that might be too big a job for one jade plant – so maybe I’ll pick up a few, just to be sure.
What most excites me, though, is that the jade plant is supposedly another hardy plant that only needs to be watered every couple weeks or once a week in the summer.
If I play my cards right, this plant might outlive me. Some jade plants have lived up to 70 years!
Tentative name: Jasmine
Would you like the good fortune of a jade plant? Pick up one of your own in this chic grey pot.
6. Philodendron:
One of the only indoor plants I remember having around as a kid is the philodendron. My mom had one that just grew and grew, its long vines dripping down from the pot dramatically. At one point, it looked like a giant wig of leaves and vines. I’m not sure what happened to that pretty little plant, but it’s burned into my memories and now I want to recreate that vibe with my own.
Hopefully the rumors are true and this plant does well with partial sunlight, and watering every 7 to 14 days. That sounds pretty doable to me.
Tentative name: Rapunzel or Phil
Ready to have your own plant wig? Grab the same philodendron as me and choose from their beautiful pot collection.
7. Pink Anthurium:
The pink anthurium is the prettiest one on this list, with her heart shaped pink blooms, almost like fancy little hats that a lady used to wear. Anthuriums also have the longest blooms for a houseplant, with blooms of pink leaves lasting up to eight weeks with new ones popping up often. I am so excited to add one of these to my houseplant collection and will try my absolute best to take care of her.
It doesn’t sound too challenging (famous last words? I hope not!). Anthurium’s do best in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium indirect light. This gives me a few ideas of where to place her. Watering should be easy, since she only needs water every 1-2 weeks and soil should be dry in between.
Tenative name: Lady Macbeth (former English teacher in the house).
Would you like to try growing a pink anthurium with me? Pick up your own in this gorgeous gold pot.
I’m excited to embark on this new hobby. I hope you’ll come along for the ride. And, if you are a plant lover, send any and all tips that you have – for Barbara, or any of the others I’ll be adding to my collection.
And, if you name your plants too, I’d love to know some of your plant baby names.
Have a fabulous day,