Welcome back to Fitness Friday! I’m excited to talk about a topic I am super crazy about!
Specifically, SUPERFOOD smoothies!
Why Drink Superfood Smoothies?
Smoothies are an incredible way to pack a ton of nutrients you should be eating into one frothy, delicious, meal in a cup.
The difference between a superfood smoothie and a regular smoothie is that a superfood smoothie is healthier and hopefully chock full of all kinds of ingredients that will help you reach your desired health goal.
In fact, here’s a great article on the 16 Superfoods That Are Worthy of the Title.
Superfood smoothies can be customized to meet a specific need you have, such as weight loss, weight gain, glowing skin and hair, fight inflammation or encourage healing from injury, and more.
And, good news, most of these are kid-friendly, too, so you can pat yourself on the back for supercharging your kids health and immune system with a mother load of antioxidants. Go you.
How To Make Superfood Smoothies:
It may seem simple – just throw a bunch of food in the blender and mix.
But, if you’ve ever added a little too much turmeric or hemp seeds, well…
So, before you start making smoothies, you’ll want to do a couple of things:
- Have a recipe in mind to reach a desired goal
- Make sure you have a blender powerful enough to smooth out all those ingredients. Nobody wants to have to chew their smoothie. #TrueStory
- Have all ingredients on hand, fresh, and ready to go
The Health Benefits of Superfood Smoothies:
Superfood smoothies are a great way to fight inflammation in your body.
I’ve written about inflammation before and how hard it can make it to lose weight – particularly if you suffer from an autoimmune disease. You can read that post here.
Bottom line: it’s really important to reduce inflammation as much as you can – and how you eat plays a huge role in that. If you’d like to learn more about how to do that, this is one of the best articles I have found on how to eat to reduce inflammation in your body.
Smoothies are the easiest way to know you’re getting all the good stuff in your body, so you can start feeling better.
The 10 Best Superfood Smoothie Recipes:
- Simple Green Smoothies: Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie & Foods That Fight Inflammation
- Food Babe: The Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie That Will Heal You From The Inside Out
- Pain Doctor: 15 Easy, Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie Recipes For Your Summer
- Well and good: 10 Turmeric Smoothies To Glow Up Your Body and Your Instagram
- Green Blender: Inflammation Fighting Smoothie Recipes
- Hello Glow: 6 Inflammation Fighting Smoothies + Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Diet
- Beauty Bites: 5 Minute Anti-Inflammatory Berry Smoothie
- Lexis Clean Kitchen: Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie Freezer Packs
- 24 Carrot Kitchen: How To Make The Best Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie
- Minimalist Baker: Carrot Ginger Turmeric Smoothie
You’ll notice a theme as you start clicking through these. That’s because there is a good list of solid ingredients proven to fight inflammation, such as: greens, berries, turmeric, ginger, and more.
2. The Best Blenders for Smoothies:
There are a lot of options here, based on price point and what works best for you.
Ninja Blender:
This blender, for example, makes one big smoothie and has great reviews on Amazon!
Blendtec Blender:
Personally, I have this blender. It’s pricey, so I asked for it as a gift. That was a brilliant idea, because I use it pretty much every day, for everything from smoothies to blender pancakes #yum.
Also, I am a real stickler for smooth, even consistencies with my smoothies. So, there’s that.
Vitamix Blender:
This one is a fan favorite, always has incredible reviews, and occasionally goes on sale!
Great, now you have a blender. What’s next?
3. The Right Order for the Perfect Smoothie:
The time has come. You have everything you need all set out like you’re the host of your own cooking show. And you’re going to make your superfood smoothie and it’s going to be DELICIOUS.
After muuuuuuch practice with smoothie making, I have developed a fool-proof method for getting my smoothies perfectly smooth and well-mixed – every time.
And, I’m going to tell you my secret: it all comes down to the order of your ingredients.
Step 1: Liquids
Start with your liquids. How much is up to your preference and recipe. Some people like it so thick they need a spoon. For me, I like smoothies easily drinkable through a straw with no chunks. If you’re on my side of the fence – you’ll need at least 12 oz. of whatever liquid you’re using.
Step 2: Add-Ins
Now is the time to put in the chia seeds, hemp seeds, veggie powder, protein powder, collagen with pea protein, spirulina, or whatever else you are doing to supercharge your smoothie.
You’re going to blend your smoothie on low for about 20 seconds to let these all mix together. Then, let it sit while you get everything else ready.
Step 3: Add Your Greens
If you’re using greens, now is the time to blend them in. Some people throw them all in with the other ingredients on top – but again – I’m a huge stickler for smoooooth smoothies. I blend them up separately.
When it looks nice and smooth and green, move on.
Step 4: Add The Rest
Add the rest of your ingredients now.
You may want to hold off on honey or sweeteners until the end, in case it is sweet enough for you.
Personally, I rarely add sweeteners. Banana is usually enough. If not, a dash of raw honey does the trick.
Step 5: Drink It Real Good
You’re done. Taste test to make sure you don’t need to add in a little honey or maple syrup. Or half a banana. Pour. Drink. Feel great.
4. Wait – Don’t Go!
While you’re slirping your superfood powerhouse – take the time to decide what you’ll do with the leftovers.
For example, leftover banana can be frozen in bags to make your next smoothie extra delicious.
You can even get super organized and divide up the ingredients into separate servings for quick smoothie making – like How Sweet Eats does in this post.
Another way to save those leafy greens, since they spoil super fast – is to take what is left and turn it into ice cubes!
How To Make Leafy Green Ice Cubes:
I know, this is a total gamechanger, folks.
But, I learned this years ago after several bags of spinach went rancid before I could use it up.
Once I started doing this, I reduced so much food waste and that #SavesMoney #SavesTime
You really don’t need a recipe for this – just throw in the greens you have left, add a little water or coconut water, blend. Pour into silicone ice cube trays for easy removal and freeze.
Once they’re frozen, you can take them out and put them in little ziploc bags if you like.
- Here’s a detailed recipe from Gimme Some Oven if you need visual aids and exact amounts #guilty
- Or, another one from Ninja Kitchen.
Silicone ice cube trays make it easy to pop them out and super easy to clean. I like these:
Bom-diggity. You just made the perfect smoothie. How excited are you?
Cheers, dahling, you’re about to show your health who’s boss. (Hint: it’s you. You’re the boss).
I would love to go into more detail on any of these things if you are interested or have questions. Just let me know in the comments below. We’re all friends here, this is a safe space.
Drink up, friends!
Have a fabulous day,