6 Awesome Weight Loss Apps To Help You Lose That Weight!

weight loss apps

weight loss apps

I’m not sure why it took me so long to start using weight loss apps. Maybe because my weight and size really didn’t change for a long time – or at least, not since I wrote one of my most popular posts on how to lose weight with an autoimmune disease.

But then, we all started staying home more and life got even more sedentary. It took me awhile to figure out how to get a good workout in at home with kids around. I sure miss my reformer pilates classes (highly recommend).

So, when my cousin, husband and I agreed to team up with our weight loss efforts, we started dabbling in the world of weight loss apps and found quite a few that we really like.

Everything is more fun as a team. Right? I feel like losing weight should really be a team sport.

The Best Weight Loss Apps:

When we started our new get healthy routine, we all looked at few of the popular weight loss theories and programs out right now, like keto and intermittent fasting.

We learned a lot about weight loss apps between the three of us and have narrowed down our favorites to the following 6 weight loss apps. In fact, I am currently using 3 of them at the same time!

My husband is using two and my cousin is also using two. All three of us are losing weight – at different rates, of course – and if you’re coming here as someone with an autoimmune disease as well, I want to reassure you that weight and body changes happen significantly slower for us than other people. So, remember that it’s always about overall health and well-being and not always about the number on the scale.

There are a few affiliate links in this post, but not many. Most of the apps are not affiliate links. I still recommend them and use them. Its not all about the money, you know what I’m sayin’?

1. Zero:

weight loss apps

Zero is the #1 most used intermittent fasting app in the world. That is some serious street cred, you know what I mean? It’s also incredibly simple to use. It’s set up already with a 16 hour fasting and 8 hour eating window as part of the free plan.

You just hit the button when you want to fast and it tracks your fast, while also texting you cool motivational reminders on how you’re doing. When you’re done fasting, you hit end fast and save fast. That’s it. It’s so simple.

But, simple is powerful, friends. The act of hitting that button is making a commitment to yourself that you are choosing to fast. Then, you don’t want to break that commitment with yourself. So, when the nighttime snackies hit you hard, you just think – do I want to end my fast? No. No, I don’t.

I am shocked at how much using Zero has helped all three of us be more consistent with our fasting. It’s really good for the mind – especially since weight loss and diet are such mind games anyway.

Also, if you want to learn more about intermittent fasting, I finally read the book Obesity Code and I absolutely swallowed it whole in about 2 days. Completely fascinating and life-changing if you’ve struggled with weight loss, yo yo dieting, and the confusion around why you can’t lose weight. THIS. BOOK. IS. GOLD.

Check out Zero in your app store for a very effective, free intermittent fasting app.

2. Happy Scale:

weight loss apps

I am so glad I found this simple little app. Their theory is that your weight is going to go up and down like a yo-yo when dieting, fasting, exercising, or whatever. So, their app smooths out the peaks and valleys to give you a true sense of what your weight is actually doing.

This is another one that is just so good for your brain. When you look at that line sloping downward, you just feel motivated. There are the dots that show you where the actual daily weigh-ins are, but it’s subtle. The focus is on the slope.

Plus, the main dashboard shows you your lowest weight, which really helps you stay focused on the positive and stay motivated.

Check out Happy Scale in your app store for a motivating weight tracker.

3. Noom:

weight loss apps

Noom takes a really holistic approach to weight loss, with lots of food education, coaching and other great features that make it very supportive and helpful.

My cousin and I actually made a list of foods we had read about online as healthier snack options and then went to Whole Foods, found as many of them as we could and scanned them with the Noom food scanner. The scanner immediately finds the food and categorizes it as green (good), yellow (eat sparingly) and red (eat minimally).

We were so shocked to see so many “healthy” snacks in the yellow and most of them in the red. None of them were in the green!!!

This was very eye-opening. Usually, I would’ve ordered them all, eaten them believing I was being good to my body and not thought about it again. Noom really keeps it clear and helps you focus on your goals of eating well, taking care of your body, and pursuing overall health.

It is free to try and then there is a fee. It is the most expensive on the list to buy. However, if you cancel after the trial, you keep a lot of the food tracking systems for free, including the scanner.

Noom is an excellent all-around lifestyle change app that helps you focus on healthy eating, exercise, addressing emotional food issues and more. 

4. Lose It!

weight loss apps

After my cousin started raving about Noom, I went to check it out and knew I wouldn’t pay for it after, so I looked for something similar.

I was surprised to see that Lose It! has so many of the same features and for much less. It’s free to try it out and then just $39.99 for the whole year. It has food tracking, food scanning similar to Noom, and many other cool features.

I tried it and really liked it, so I went ahead and paid for the year and I am excited to keep using it. Even if you just try it out, you’ll learn so much in that time period that you can continue to apply after the free trial is up.

All three of us have majorly learned that it’s important to be eyes wide open with your diet and exercise. More information is key. If nothing is changing, then you’re not actually being as healthy as you think you are. So, be honest, start tracking, use apps that encourage you and keep you accountable and get results.

Lose It! is a well-rounded health and weight loss with lots of features for an affordable price.

5. Keto.App:

weight loss apps

Initially, we were interested in the low carb, keto diet. But, after a couple of weeks, I saw an increase in my chronic pain, because I stopped eating a lot of the anti-inflammatory foods that help with that. Turns out, some of those foods are high in carbs, so I had to make the decision that keto wasn’t for me and that’s when I started researching intermittent fasting.

My husband, however, has felt great on keto. He really likes it and has stuck with it. He has been using this app to track his diet and says that it makes it very clear to see exactly how much of everything you are eating – protein, carbs, sugars, everything. He can also track activity trends and weight as well in the same app.

Keto.app is an excellent app for the keto diet that helps you track nutritional, weight and health goals.

6. My Fitness Pal:

weight loss apps

A fan favorite because it is so easy to use, informative and positive. They’ve also got quite a bit of a community going, so you can join groups and meet other fitness pals.

They also have a super large database of foods, which makes it easy to find whatever you are eating. I’ll tell you, having to break down a recipe into individual parts is no fun. MFP makes it easy and that’s what you want.

It also integrates with tons of other apps, so you can connect it and get a lot of analytics to keep you motivated. It also has a free trial and then you can pay for it if you want.


All of these apps are solid apps with lots of features to help you stay  motivated and on track. While each of us have found apps that are our personal favorites, it’s been really fun to try them all and find what works.

I hope this gives you some ideas on what to try if you’re also looking to improve your health and wellness.

Also, I recently shared how I am walking more and tracking my steps. My goal is 10,000 steps a day. I share how I’m doing it at home in this post here.

I love writing about apps that can make life easier. You might also really like these posts:

And, if you’ve ever considered starting your own blog like this, read my 10 tips for how to start a blog. 

Have a fabulous day,


weight loss apps



    • Erica
      September 9, 2020 / 10:47 pm

      Zero is a great one! Glad you like it!

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