Free Printable Summer Bucket List for Kids!

summer bucket list

Summer is here! What a crazy year this has been! In most areas, things are starting to return to a new normal, although it may be awhile before we feel like life is normal again. That being said, we are all ready for some new adventures, fun memories, fresh air, and NO SCHOOL!

Is it possible that parents are more excited for summer this year than the kids for once? Yes, I think so.

I’m already thinking of ways to entertain my young kiddos this summer and I figure I’m not the only one. So, I thought I would share my easy summer bucket list for kids with you!

Summer Bucket List:

This summer bucket list focuses on easy, low prep, affordable – but very  memorable – activities that will bring us together, get kids off tablets and make the most of our time. There’s some empty lines left for you to fill with your own grand adventures, trips, or plans.

Although I’m seeing more people out and about and our area is starting to loosen restrictions, we are still needing to sign-up to go to the local pool and all places are still limiting the amount of people. This means, probably less outings than we might normally do, but certainly more fun can be had than last summer.

That being said, I wanted to think of some fun ways to make memories at home – such as flashlight wars, giant fort making and super lego bonanzas. Most of these are self-explanatory, but if they’re not – make them your own. What does a mega lego bonanza mean to YOU? Go for it.

Or, if that’s not interesting to your crew – switch it out. Make it a laser tag war in the backyard with these glow-in-the-dark laser tag sets that are uh-mazing.

You know – get creative.

Download the Free Summer Bucket List:

This is free to use for private use. Go ahead and click on the image below to open the summer bucket list in a new window and print!

summer bucket list

Hang it on your fridge, check things off as you do them, feel free to add your own to the list, and make memories this summer – even if it looks a little different than it used to.

Or, use this to inspire you and your crew to sit down and come up with your own list of bucket list ideas that work in your area with what you have available.

I know some summer bucket lists have just tons and tons of ideas, but with small kids – I find that overwhelming. It’s easier for me to hone in on specific ideas that I know are really doable for us, so create the bucket list that works best for you and your kids.

What matters most is just being intentional about creating those moments that you’ll all look back on and say … wow, those were the days.

Because even though 2020 kind of kicked our butts and 2021 has been off to a rough start, I still want my kids to be able to look back on this time with some positives.

Like, how we bought this incredible inflatable outdoor waterslide pool for our kids – affectionately dubbed, “Ocean Park”.

summer bucket list


Yeah, they love it.  #SCORE

So, Ocean Park may not be on this bucket list – but rest assured, we’re going to clock a lot of hours on this bad boy this summer.


Make it a summer to remember, for reasons other than giant hornets and mutating viruses.

And, if you’re looking for more fun freebies, check these out, too:

Have a fabulous day,


summer bucket list


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